Beverage making machine

The Fruet project is a machine for making hot and cold drinks with recipes created from natural fruit. Machine management is completely remote, with the possibility of changing and creating new recipes, changing prices, stock management and full monitoring. Drinks, whether soft drinks or hot drinks, are made by introducing frozen containers with the ingredients suitable for the recipe. After choosing the recipe on the machine’s touch screen and introducing the container with the ingredients, the machine follows the steps of the recipe previously configured remotely via backoffice.
The entire digital infrastructure was built by Wiinga, namely the machine and recipe management platform, customer stock control and communication with the machines.
The technical design and construction of the machines was in charge of our customer Effort, Ltd
Communication between users, machines and administration is managed by the platform built by Wiinga, which combines the flexibility of a web application with interaction with machines, allowing remote management with information and statistics in real-time.
From the management point of view, it is possible to:
- manage the information displayed on the screens of each machine
- monitor sales in real-time
- manage stocks of containers with frozen ingredients
From the administration’s point of view, and since all orders are registered and communicated to the platform, a huge set of metrics are available, among which the following stand out:
- sales
- stocks
- comparison between points-of-sale and other indicators